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Your Defiant Child  (2nd Edition)

Your Defiant Child (2nd Edition)

$ 23.95

Eight Steps to Better Behavior Every child has "ornery" moments, but more than 1 in 20 children exhibit behavioral problems that are out of control. For readers struggling with an unyielding or combative child, Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior offers the understanding and guidance they need. Drawing on Dr. Russell A. Barkley's many years of work with parents and children, the book clearly explains what causes defiance, when it becomes a problem, and how it can be resolved. The book's comprehensive eight-step program stresses consistency and cooperation, promoting changes through a system of praise, rewards, and mild punishment. Filled with helpful charts, questionnaires, and checklists, Your Defiant Child helps parents get their child's behavior back on track and restore harmony in the home.

Category: Parenting
Subcategory: Behavior
Series: Parenting Children
Author: Russell Barkley
ISBN: 9781462510078
Pages: 239

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