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Managing Disruptive Behavior for Teens Workbook:

Managing Disruptive Behavior for Teens Workbook:

$ 72.95

A Toolbox of Reproducible Assessments and Activities for Facilitators. Disruptive behaviors are characterized by consistent patterns of ongoing, uncooperative, defiant and hostile behaviors. With these behaviors, teens continue to “break the rules.” When teenagers are routinely disruptive, a mental health issue may be involved. As well as teaching teens the skills to identify and improve their behavior, one of the purposes of this book is for the facilitator to better understand teen behavior, not to diagnose it. The workbook contains the following five modules: Poor Impulse Control, Defiant Attitude, Hyperactive Behavior, Anger and Aggression, Erasing the Stigma of Mental Health Issues.

Category: Behavior Intervention
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Assessment
Series: Adolescent
Author: Ester Leutenberg / John Liptak
Publication Date: 05-05-2015
ISBN: 9781570253270
Pages: 124

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