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Limit Your Dragon’s Screen Time: Help Your Dragon Break His Tech Addiction

Limit Your Dragon’s Screen Time: Help Your Dragon Break His Tech Addiction

$ 21.95

A Cute Children Story to Teach Kids to Balance Life and Technology
Having a pet dragon is always fun! He can sit, roll over, and play… He can candle a birthday cake, lit a campfire, or so many other cool things…But what if your dragon is addicted to his smart phone, tablet and computer? What if he is always looking at a screen? What if he always took his phone to bed with him, put in on the dinner table, took it on the bus, to the park, to the mall, and even right in the bathroom stall? What if he is always living in the virtual world, and is so disconnected in the real world? What if he’d always throw a fit whenever you “distract” him from his electronic devices? What should you do? You teach him how to break his tech addiction! You help him understand why he needs to limit his screen time! You help him find a healthier balance! But HOW? Get this book and learn how! Fun, cute, and entertaining with beautiful illustrations, this is a must read for children, parents and teachers to teach kids the proper way break away from technology and to live in the real world.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Children and Adolescents
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Herman, Steve
Publication Date: 24-06-2019
ISBN: 978-1-950280-04-9
Pages: 46
Height: 25.4 cm
Width: 20.32 cm

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