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Teach Your Dragon To Follow Instructions

Teach Your Dragon To Follow Instructions

$ 21.95

Help Your Dragon Follow Directions. Teach Kids The Importance of Listening and Following Instructions Having a pet dragon is fun. You can teach him to sit, roll over, and play. He can candle a birthday cake, lit a campfire, and so many other cool things. But what if your dragon doesn’t want to follow instructions?
What if he always want to do things his way – often the wrong ways? What if he’s so frustrated because everything he did always went wrong? What should you do? You teach him to listen and follow instructions! But how? Read this book and learn how! Kindergarten to Grade 6.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Steve Herman
ISBN: 978-1948040600
Pages: 44

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