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A Dragon With ADHD

A Dragon With ADHD

$ 21.95

Having a pet dragon is fun, but what if he talks a lot and speaks really fast? What if he’s too active and always runs around? What if he interrupts when others are talking, has hard time concentrating and staying on task? What if your dragon is diagnosed with ADHD? Maybe you can help him understand ADHD and teach him ADHD is not a “defect” and with the right attitude and help, it can be his asset! This is a must-have book for children, parents and educators about ADHD,how to get organized, focus and succeed.

Category: ADHD/ADD
Subcategory: Children
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Steve Herman
Publication Date: 09-03-2021
ISBN: 9781649160959
Pages: 46
Weight: 0.32 lb
Length: 10 in
Width: 8 in

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