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Finding Your Why and Finding Your Way ACT Workbook

Finding Your Why and Finding Your Way ACT Workbook

$ 37.95

Do you feel “stuck” in your life right now? You aren’t alone. Whether you struggle with depression, anxiety, trauma—or simply feel unhappy or unmotivated—you may be seeking ways to find meaning, or discover the inspiration you need to create a new path in life that better serves you. This is an accessible, step-by-step guide for putting mindfulness into action every day. You’ll find an evidence-based and customizable approach that blends mindfulness, behavioral activation skills, performance management techniques, and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you identify what you deeply care about; increase your motivation; get unstuck from anxiety, depression, or trauma; reach your goals; and ultimately live a more meaningful life. You will also learn to develop personal growth skills, and take committed action to create positive change.

Category: Personal Growth/Self Help
Series: Acceptance & Commitment (ACT)
Author: Daniel Moran, Siri Ming
Publication Date: 02-01-2023
ISBN: 9781648480713
Pages: 184
Length: 10 in
Width: 8 in

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