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ACT Workbook for Depression and Shame

ACT Workbook for Depression and Shame

$ 34.95

Overcome Thoughts of Defectiveness and Increase Well-Being Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Grounded in evidence-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this workbook will give you the tools to identify and dismiss your core beliefs of personal defectiveness, and build a life based on positive choices and values that bring vitality and a sense of personal fulfillment. You'll discover ways to develop psychological flexibility, freeing yourself from old habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and alleviating symptoms of depression. Finally, you'll learn to see yourself in all your wonderful complexity, with kindness and compassion.

Category: Depression
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Personal Growth/Self-Help
Author: Matthew McKay
Publication Date: 01-08-2020
ISBN: 9781684035540
Pages: 200

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