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Puppy in My Head

Puppy in My Head

$ 24.99

This picture book serves as both a story and a step-by-step guide to help calm kids down. Ollie is the puppy living inside of our narrator's head, and when Ollie panics or is too energetic, the narrator feels that way, too! But she learns to handle the situation with her breath and her mindfulness, and by talking it out with an adult. In plain language and with a rare sense of understanding and compassion, Elise Gravel tackles anxiety in children head-on with bold colors and whimsical illustrations. Perfect for bedtime or the classroom, readers will walk away a little more well-equipped to handle the puppies in their own heads.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Elise Gravel
ISBN: 9780063037670
Pages: 32

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