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A World of Mindfulness

A World of Mindfulness

$ 22.95

The meditative text reflects on the myriad of ways children experience life, from the feeling of their muscles when they run…to the sound of a turning page…to the memory-laden taste of fresh-baked cookies. Positive and negative emotions are alike acknowledged and affirmed, and a strong sense of self is reinforced. This meditative, picture book features arresting art from fourteen illustrators. It will create its own quiet moments as children revisit its lavish pages. A closing note about mindfulness practice rounds out this picture book, making it a helpful resource for homes, classrooms, and beyond. Ages 3-6

Category: Early Childhood Education
Subcategory: Parents & Children
Series: Mindfulness/Stress Reduction
Author: Erin Alladin
Publication Date: 07-11-2020
ISBN: 9781772781380
Pages: 32
Length: 10 in
Height: 9 in
Width: 0.38 in

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