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PTSD Behavioral Activation Workbook

PTSD Behavioral Activation Workbook

$ 37.95

Activities to Help You Rebuild Your Life from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Behavioral activation-the powerful treatment method outlined in this workbook-provides an essential foundation for recovery by shifting the focus of your trauma to the things in life that give you true fulfillment, joy, and value. This way, you can envision the kind of future you want to have, and move forward in your treatment to pursue that future.
With this breakthrough workbook, you'll learn to replace unproductive coping strategies-such as avoidance -with activities that you find pleasant and meaningful. You'll find an overview of behavioral activation: what it is, why it works, and how you can implement it into your life to begin healing the wounds of your past and paving the way for a bright future full of possibility.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: PTSD
Series: Adult
ISBN: 9781684033072
Pages: 216
Height: 10
Width: 8

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