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DBT Skills Workbook for PTSD <b><font color='red'>(Top 10 Bestsellers)</font></b>

DBT Skills Workbook for PTSD (Top 10 Bestsellers)

$ 37.95

With this powerful and proven-effective workbook, you’ll find practical exercises for overcoming trauma using mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance. You’ll learn how to be present in the moment and identity the things that trigger your trauma. You’ll also find activities and exercises to help you cope with stress, manage intense emotions, navigate conflict with others, and change unhealthy thought patterns that keep you stuck.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: PTSD
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Kirby Reutter | Dawn Depasquale
Publication Date: 01-06-2019
ISBN: 9781684032648
Pages: 240

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