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Onward Workbook  Resilence Practice for Educators

Onward Workbook Resilence Practice for Educators

$ 35.95

Daily Activities to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience and Thrive This collection of tools and strategies helps teachers banish the burnout and cultivate true resilience. Keyed to the framework presented in Onward, this companion piece augments the text with practical exercises, coaching, and step-by-step coverage of beneficial practices. Deep introspection allows you to verbalize your feelings, name your challenges, and identify the tools you have and the tools you need. The workbook takes teachers on a journey of specific self-discovery that changes your perspective, renews your confidence, and empowers you to make the much-needed changes that allow you to continue inspiring young minds. Dig deeper within to discover what you’re truly made of, decode complex emotions, body language, and nonverbal communications, challenge your beliefs, build community, and navigate difficult interactions, learn more, feel more, play more, and practice effective self-care.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Author: Enena Aguilar
Publication Date: 08-05-2018
ISBN: 9781119367383
Pages: 672

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