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Onward (Emotional Resilience - Educator)

Onward (Emotional Resilience - Educator)

$ 44.00

Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators
Onward tackles the problem of educator stress, and provides a practical framework for taking the burnout out of teaching. Stress is part of the job, but when 70 percent of teachers quit within their first five years because the stress is making them physically and mentally ill, things have gone too far. Unsurprisingly, these effects are highest in difficult-to-fill positions such as math, science, and foreign languages, and in urban areas and secondary classrooms—places where we need our teachers to be especially motivated and engaged. This book offers a path to resiliency to help teachers weather the storms and bounce back—and work toward banishing the rain for good.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Author: Elena Aguilar
Publication Date: 08-05-2018
ISBN: 9781119364894
Pages: 384

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