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Why Can't I...<br>Beating the Blues<br>(Self-Regulation)

Why Can't I...
Beating the Blues

$ 16.95

To Survive and Thrive at School Illustrated with Elizabeth Bailey. Included are strategies to cope with common school stressors, examples of how “the blues” might feel in the body, and multiple ways of energizing up. It also includes a section with tips for parents, educators and counselors. It highlights some of the common causes of “the blues” in young students and provides strategies to support these young learners. Titles in this series include So Then I..(recess stress), What if I..(worries), Instead I..(on calm), But When I..(on attention) and this one – Why Can’t I..(on the blues). Also available as a set of five books - see Series on the Menu under the Search Bar.

Category: Depression
Subcategory: Child & Adolescent
Author: Mary Catherine Bailey-McKenna
Publication Date: 01-09-2016
ISBN: 9780994053947

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