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 The I Series at School<br> <b><font color='red'>(Series - Children)</font></b>

The I Series at School
(Series - Children)

$ 75.00

Help your children thrive at school, calm worries, build attention, conquer recess stress, and beat the blues with these five books that target social and emotional skill development in elementary school-aged children. Ages 5-11

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Mary Catherine Bailey-McKenna

 Titles in the series include:

$ 16.95
But When I....(on focus)

$ 16.95
Instead I ... (about calm)

$ 16.95
So Then I... (Recess Stress - Kids)

$ 16.95
What if I ...(School Worry - Kids)

$ 16.95
Why Can't I...
Beating the Blues


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