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Instead I ...  (about calm)

Instead I ... (about calm)

$ 16.95

Helping 5 to 11-Year-Olds Survive And Thrive At School Children face social and emotional challenges each day at school. Many children require direct teaching to learn how to cope with these challenges. This book supports these children and the caring adults who can help. Instead I...offers explicit emotional skill development including: feelings and where they might be occurring in the body, helpful strategies to increase calming in a school setting, social strategies to deal with common day-to-day challenges, and more! Also in this series of five books are But When I...(on focus), So Then I... (on recess), Why Can't I...(on the blues), and What if I I...(on worries). Sold separately. Also available as a set of five books - see Series on the Menu under the Search Bar.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Mary Catherine Bailey-McKenna
Publication Date: 02-02-2015
ISBN: 9780994053909
Pages: 24

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