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Stop Walking On Eggshells Workbook

Stop Walking On Eggshells Workbook

$ 38.95

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) includes severe mood shifts, unfounded accusations and wildly inappropriate displays of anger, a range of self-destructive behaviors, and frantic efforts to avoid abandonment. In this Workbook, Randi Kreger draws on new research to provide advice for navigating life with someone who has borderline personality disorder. Step-by-step suggestions help readers set and enforce personal limits, communicate clearly, cope with put-downs and rage, and make realistic decisions.

Category: Personality Disorder
Subcategory: Borderline
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Kreger, Randi
Publication Date: 02-08-2002
ISBN: 9781572242760
Pages: 224
Height: 11
Width: 8.5

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