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When Perfect Isn't Good Enough

When Perfect Isn't Good Enough

$ 32.95

It's only natural to want to avoid making mistakes, but imperfection is a part of being human. In this fully revised and updated second edition of When Perfect Isn't Good Enough, you'll discover the root cause of your perfectionism, explore the impact of perfectionism on your life, and find new, proven-effective coping skills to help you overcome your anxiety about making mistakes. This guide also includes tips for dealing with other perfectionists and discussions about how perfectionism is linked to worry, depression, anger, social anxiety, and body image. As you complete the exercises in this book, you'll find it easier and easier to keep worries at bay and enjoy life - imperfections and all.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Adult
Author: Antony, Martin
ISBN: 9781572245594
Pages: 312
Height: 9
Width: 6

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