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Calming Your Anxious Mind

Calming Your Anxious Mind

$ 37.95

How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic. Drawing on techniques and perspectives from two seemingly different traditions, this second edition of the self-help classic Calming Your Anxious Mind offers you a powerful and profound approach to overcoming anxiety, fear, and panic. From the evidence-based tradition of Western medicine, learn the role your thoughts and emotions play in anxiety. And, from the tradition of meditation and the inquiry into meaning and purpose, discover your own potential for presence and stillness, kindness and compassion-and the tremendous power these states give you to heal and transform your life.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Meditation/Stress Reduction
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Author: Jeffrey Brantley
Publication Date: 02-06-2007
ISBN: 9781572244870
Pages: 248
Height: 9
Width: 6

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