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Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind

Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind

$ 27.99

A step-by-step plan clinically proven to break the cycle of worry and fear that drives anxiety and addictive habits. In this timely book, Judson Brewer explains how to uproot anxiety at its source using brain-based techniques and small hacks accessible to anyone. Dr. Brewer teaches us to map our brains to discover our triggers, defuse them with the simple but powerful practice of curiosity, and to train our brains using mindfulness and other practices that his lab has proven can work. Dr. Brewer has created a clear, solution-oriented program that anyone can use to feel better - no matter how anxious they feel.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Adult
Series: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Author: Brewer, Judson
Publication Date: 30-08-2022
ISBN: 9780593421406
Pages: 304

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