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Overcoming Loss

Overcoming Loss

$ 50.95

Activities And Stories To Help Transform Children's Grief And Loss This reproducible resource addresses children's' feeling of loss, which can arise from changing communities, schools, moving house, divorce or the death of a parent or grandparent. Children are often unable to articulate their grief in words. The activities in Overcoming Loss use the power of play and creative arts to give the grieving child the language to identify subtle feelings, such as shame, despair and jealousy. Designed to encourage social and emotional learning, these exercises employ play, art and story-telling to access the ways in which children naturally express their feelings, and offers opportunities for parents and professionals to direct the child towards understanding their emotions.

Category: Grief/Loss
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Sorensen, Julia
Publication Date: 02-06-2008
ISBN: 9781843106463
Pages: 144

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