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Non-Death Loss and Grief  (1st Ed.)

Non-Death Loss and Grief (1st Ed.)

$ 60.95

Context and Clinical Implications Illustrated by case studies and clinical examples, this book focuses on the losses we encounter in everyday life and the role of these experiences in shaping our lives. It's important to have words to accurately express these living losses including the loss of communication with a loved one due to disease or trauma, which are often not acknowledged for the depth of their impact. Chapters showcase contributions from international leaders in the field and explore individual perspectives on loss as well as interpersonal and sociopolitical experiences.

Category: Grief/Loss
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Grief/Loss
Author: Darcy L. Harris
Publication Date: 07-11-2019
ISBN: 9781138320826
Pages: 370
Length: 8.9 in
Width: 6 in

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