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Living Fully With Shyness And Social Anxiety

Living Fully With Shyness And Social Anxiety

$ 23.95

A Comprehensive Guide To Gaining Social Confidence According to Hilliard, social anxiety and fear of rejection can be so severe that they prevent the sufferer from spending time with others. In an encouraging and friendly tone and drawing on patients' stories, Hilliard offers an action plan to combat this fear. The cornerstone is setting small but effective goals that are measurable, consistent and repeatable, such as initiating a conversation with one person every day. Hilliard also recommends specific verbal and physical techniques to reduce anxiety about job interviews, public speaking, dating and even everyday interactions with friends. In addition, she provides an overview of how social anxiety can affect the mind and body, as well as a nonjudgmental guide to anti-anxiety medications.

Category: Anxiety/Panic/OCD
Subcategory: Adult
Author: Hilliard, Erika/ Foxman,
Publication Date: 02-03-2005
ISBN: 9781569243978
Pages: 336

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