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52 Weeks to a Sweeter Life <b><font color='red'>(New)</font></b>

52 Weeks to a Sweeter Life (New)

$ 24.95

For Caregivers, Activists, and Helping Professionals: A Workbook of Emotional Hacks, Self-Care Experiments, and Other Good Ideas For helpers who are the first to help others, but the last to seek help themselves, this self-care book helps those struggling with burnout and exhaustion. If you struggle to escape the cycle of overwork, overwhelm and recovery, this workbook speaks directly to anyone who struggles to pause, set boundaries and center their own needs.The workbook contains fifty-two lessons, one for each week of the year. Each week, readers will find a simple new idea and an experiment for trying it out, with deeper dives into the material provided, but every level of participation celebrated. Beautifully written, direct and insightful, this workbook is a gentle and practical guide to a more balanced life, written for those who need it most.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Professional/Educator
Series: Health/Wellness/Illness
Author: Farzana Doctor
Publication Date: 23-03-2024
ISBN: 9781771624039
Pages: 208

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