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Real Self-Care

Real Self-Care

$ 37.99

A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness Fixing your troubles isn’t as simple as buying a new day planner or signing up for a meditation class. These faux self-care practices have us comparing ourselves with others or striving for a certain type of perfection. Real self-care is an internal, self-reflective process that involves making difficult decisions in line with our values, and when we practice it, we shift our relationships, our workplaces, and even our broken systems. Dr. Lakshmin helps readers understand what caring for yourself could, and does look like. With case studies, clinical research, and a down-to-earth style, this book provides a step-by-step program for real and sustainable change and solace. Packed with actionable strategies to deal with common problems, Real Self-Care is a complete road map for women to move past guilt, set boundaries,treat themselves with compassion, and assert their personal power in all areas of their lives.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Adults/Parents
Series: Personal Growth/Self-Help
Author: Dr. Pooja Lakshmin
Publication Date: 14-03-2023
ISBN: 9780593489727
Pages: 228

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