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The Insecure in Love Workbook <b><font color='red'>(New)</font></b>

The Insecure in Love Workbook (New)

$ 38.95

Step-by-Step Guidance to Help You Overcome Anxious Attachment and Feel More Secure with Yourself and Your Partner
A step-by-step workbook to help you move past anxious attachment and feel more confident in your relationships! If you find yourself constantly on the alert or anxious when it comes to your significant other, you may suffer from anxious attachment — a fear of abandonment that is often rooted in early childhood experiences. Based on the self-help hit by Leslie Becker-Phelps, The Insecure in Love Workbook offers engaging activities, tips, and exercises to help you overcome attachment anxiety by developing compassionate self-awareness. You’ll learn to recognize physical sensations, negative thoughts, distressing emotions, and unhealthy behavior patterns that underlie your insecurity; and respond to them in a more nurturing way — rather than beating yourself up. You’ll also discover how insecurity can overwhelm or paralyze you, negatively affecting the relationship between you and your partner. Finally, you’ll develop the skills needed to stop repeating old patterns of self-doubt, neediness, and possessiveness.

Category: Relationships
Subcategory: Communication/Couples
Series: Attachment
Author: Leslie Becker-Phelps
Publication Date: 01-04-2024
ISBN: 9781648482175
Pages: 168

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