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Just Breathe Calm Strips <b><font color='red'>(New)</font></b>

Just Breathe Calm Strips (New)

$ 16.95

Calm Strips are reusable and residue-free textured sensory stickers designed to help regulate restless energy and promote mindfulness. Calm Strips provide a cool and convenient way to manage sensory needs; whether you're simply touching, scratching, or tracing the textured surface or also utilizing one of our grounding/breathing activities. Designed to promote mindfulness and inner peace, Just Breathe serve as gentle reminders to pause, take a deep breath, and reconnect with the present moment. Guided by the lazy eight breathing technique, each one helps release tension, find stillness, and cultivate tranquility.
Soft Sand Texture: Subtle texture with slight grain. Five Calm Strips per pack. Measures 1.7 inches by 3.2 inches. Gentle on skin for repetitive use. Latex free.

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Sensory Solutions
Series: Sensory Solutions
ISBN: 850035040355

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