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Inhale Calm Strips <b><font color='red'>(New)</font></b>

Inhale Calm Strips (New)

$ 16.95

Inhale Calm Strips are reusable and residue-free textured sensory stickers designed to help regulate restless energy and promote mindfulness. These Calm Strips provide a cool and convenient way to manage sensory needs; whether you're simply touching, scratching, or tracing the textured surface or also utilizing one of our grounding/breathing activities. Designed to promote mindfulness and inner peace, Inhale Strips serve as gentle reminders to pause, take deep breaths, and reconnect with the present moment. Based on the popular box breathing technique, each one helps release tension, helps the user find stillness, and cultivates tranquility. Soft Sand Texture: Subtle texture with slight grain. Five Calm Strips per pack. Measures 2.2 inches by 2.2 inches. Gentle on skin for repetitive use. Latex free.

Category: Sensory Processing Therapy
Subcategory: Sensory Solutions
Series: Autism/Neurodiversity
ISBN: 850035040560

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