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Handbook of Wise Interventions

Handbook of Wise Interventions

$ 50.95

How Social Psychology Can Help People Change
Precise shifts in the ways people make sense of themselves, others, and social situations can help people flourish. This compelling handbook synthesizes the growing body of research on wise interventions - brief, nonclinical strategies that are "wise" to the impact of social-psychological processes on behavior. Leading authorities describe how maladaptive or pejorative interpretations can undermine people’s functioning and how they can be altered to produce benefits in such areas as academic motivation and achievement, health, well-being, and personal relationships.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Professional/Reference
Author: Gregory M. Walton | Alia J. Crum
Publication Date: 04-10-2022
ISBN: 9781462551002
Pages: 474
Height: 10 in
Width: 7 in

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