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Your Pocket Therapist

Your Pocket Therapist

$ 25.95

Quick Hacks for Dealing with Toxic People While Empowering Yourself Your Pocket Therapist provides the reader with quick hacks to deal with the toxic people in their lives, all the while empowering themselves. Each devotional within Your Pocket Therapist reads like an actual therapy session where it builds upon the strategies used to cope with toxic people. It is designed to bring the reader into a deeper and deeper understanding of the strategies being presented so they are second nature and easy to apply. Within Your Pocket Therapist, Dr. Sherrie Campbell reveals: Quick hacks to dealing with toxic people, Practical empowerment strategies to deal with manipulation, Simple mindsets that equips readers to know what to do and say in toxic relationships, Practical steps to help readers find a way out of toxic ties, How to utilize withdrawal and silence as their superpowers when dealing with toxic people.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Subcategory: Adults/Parents
Series: Personal Growth/Self-Help
Author: Sherrie Campbell
Publication Date: 27-04-2021
ISBN: 9781631952128
Pages: 282
Weight: 0.79 lb
Length: 8.5 in
Width: 5.5 in

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