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Everything Changes <b><font color='red'>(Web Specials)</font></b> (ONE COPY LEFT)

Everything Changes (Web Specials) (ONE COPY LEFT)

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Help for Families of Newly Recovering Addicts
A compassionate, user-friendly handbook for family and friends navigating the many challenges that come with a loved one's new-found sobriety. A relative or friend has finally taken those tentative first steps toward sobriety. With the relief of this life-changing course of action comes a new and difficult set of challenges for recovering addicts and those who love them. Family members and friends often find themselves unsure of how to weather such a dramatic turn, as the rules and routines of their relationships no longer pertain. Everything Changes assuages fears and uncertainty by teaching loved ones of newly recovering addicts how to navigate the often-tumultuous early months of recovery. Beverly Conyers, author of the acclaimed Addict in the Family, again shares the hope and knowledge that she gained as a parent of a recovering addict by focusing on the aftermath of addiction. She outlines the physical and psychological changes that recovering addicts go through, and offers practical tools to help family members and friends:build a fresh, rewarding relationship with the addict; be supportive without setting themselves up for disappointment; avoid enabling destructive behavior; set and maintain boundaries; cope with relapse; deal with the practicalities of sober living, such as helping the addict find a job; and deal with the stigma of addiction.

Category: Addictions
Subcategory: Alcohol/Substance Abuse
Series: Addictions
Author: Conyers, Beverly
Publication Date: 14-04-2008
Pages: 168

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