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Motivational Interviewing Workbook <b><font color='red'>(Top 10 Bestsellers)</font></b>

Motivational Interviewing Workbook (Top 10 Bestsellers)

$ 26.99

Exercises to Decide What You Want and How To Get There Motivational interviewing can help you clearly define your goals, think things through, and move toward change. Whether you’re considering losing weight, addressing an addiction, leaving a toxic relationship, or any number of other big goals, taking steps toward personal change requires a steadfast mindset and a detailed plan of action. The Motivational Interviewing Workbook is filled with practical prompts, guidance, and support for figuring out long-term goals, developing a solid plan to achieve them, and making a committed change. It will help you build your motivation, clarify your commitment to reaching your goals, and empower you to take charge of your future.

Category: Life Skills/Social Skills
Series: Personal Growth/Self-Help
Author: Angela Wood
Publication Date: 20-10-2020
ISBN: 9781646119721
Pages: 168

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