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Interoception <b><font color='red'>(Event Special)</font></b>

Interoception (Event Special)

$ 33.95

How I Feel: Sensing My World from the Inside Out Many people struggle with sensory processing difficulties. Regulating emotions, knowing when to eat, drink, go to the toilet, and feeling your breathing and heart rate all depend on our internal awareness. Interoception is critical to feel and understand what is going on inside of your body. However, when someone has difficulty processing interoception, knowledge of emotions and regulation of basic body functions can be interrupted causing great frustration. This book contains all you need to know about interoception including the most recent research. Easy to read explanations followed by helpful ideas you can use immediately after reading, make the book an invaluable addition to your collection. Each activity is carefully chosen for both adults and children and will counteract poor interoceptive awareness.

Category: Autism/Neurodiversity
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Sensory Processing Therapy
Author: Cara Koscinski
Publication Date: 12-06-2018
ISBN: 9781732196100

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