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Sensory Solutions in the Classroom

Sensory Solutions in the Classroom

$ 36.95

The Teacher's Guide to Fidgeting, Inattention and Restlessness Children who struggle with processing sensory input can experience a wide range of symptoms, including hypersensitivity to sound, sight and touch, poor fine motor skills and easy distractibility. Using this accessible, science-based guide, school staff can support these students by understanding their symptoms and how they impact their learning. Teachers can learn to look at students in a different way: through so-called 'SPi glasses', introduced in the book. With these glasses on, you learn to recognize behaviours linked to sensory processing and respond quickly, easily and with more understanding, without using a diagnosis, medication or therapy. The techniques provided help children feel settled and soothed at school, enabling them to learn and communicate better.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: Sensory Processing Therapy
Author: Monique Thoonsen
Publication Date: 18-11-2021
ISBN: 9781785926976
Pages: 272

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