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Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Teen ADHD: Build Executive Functioning Skills, Increase Motivation, and Improve Self-Confidence

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Teen ADHD: Build Executive Functioning Skills, Increase Motivation, and Improve Self-Confidence

$ 25.95

A powerful and compassionate guide for cultivating self-confidence, independence, and the executive functioning skills you need to live your best life! This unique guide will help you develop the skills you need to strengthen your executive functioning, foster the self-compassion essential to overcoming self-criticism often caused by ADHD, and gain the confidence and resilience necessary to take control of your ADHD—and your life. You’ll also learn how to manage your emotions, focus, practice flexible problem solving, change habits, and improve communication skills. Finally, you’ll learn how these skills can improve your relationships with friends and family, and help you succeed in school—and life! This book will allow you to step off the path of self-criticism, and guide you on the path toward self-compassion, self-confidence, and success.

Category: ADHD/ADD
Subcategory: Pre-Teen/Teen
Author: Mark Bertin / Kate Bluth
ISBN: 9781684036394

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