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FLIPP The Switch: Executive Function (ASD)

FLIPP The Switch: Executive Function (ASD)

$ 41.95

Strengthen Executive Function Skills This is a practical book written for parents and educators by parents and educators. The target audience is anyone who works with young people aged 3-22 who are disorganized, inflexible, impulsive, and who struggle with planning or problem solving. Readers will learn about executive function (EF) and how EF skills contribute to success in school, at home, and in work environments. Most importantly, readers will receive specific instructions, templates, and how-to scenarios for 25 strategies, five strategies for each of the five FLIPP components – flexibility, leveled emotionality, impulse control, planning, and problem solving. This book is indispensable for anyone who wants to minimize conflict, maximize on-task behavior, and support positive social-emotional development in a child or student with challenging behavior.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: Executive Function
Author: Sheri Wilkins & Carol Burmeister
Publication Date: 01-01-2015
ISBN: 9781942197010
Pages: 174

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