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Becoming a Growth Mindset School

Becoming a Growth Mindset School

$ 37.95

The Power of Mindset to Transform Teaching, Leadership and Learning. This book offers step-by-step guidance for school leaders to help build an approach to teaching and learning that will encourage children to embrace challenge, persist in the face of setback, and see effort as the path to mastery. The book isn't about quick fixes or miracle cures, but an evidence-based transformation of the way we think and talk about teaching, leading, and learning. Chris Hildrew navigates the difficulties, practicalities, and opportunities presented by implementing a growth mindset, such as forming a growth mindset curriculum, launching a growth mindset with staff, marking, assessing, and giving feedback with a growth mindset,growth mindset misconceptions and potential mistakes, and incorporating family involvement with a growth mindset.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 12
Series: Professional/Educator/Parent
Author: Chris Hildrew
Publication Date: 22-03-2018
ISBN: 9781138895508
Pages: 178

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