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Trauma-Sensitive Schools for the Adolescent Years: Promoting Resiliency and Healing

Trauma-Sensitive Schools for the Adolescent Years: Promoting Resiliency and Healing

$ 51.95

The trauma-sensitive schools movement is the result of a confluence of forces that are changing how educators view students' academic and social problems, including the failure of zero tolerance policies to resolve issues of school safety, bullying, and academic failure, as well as a new understanding of adolescents' disruptive behavior. In this follow-up to her bestseller Trauma-Sensitive Schools, Susan Craig provides secondary school teachers and administrators with practical ideas for how to improve students' achievement by implementing a trauma-sensitive approach to instruction.

Category: Trauma/PTSD
Subcategory: Professional/Educator/Parent
Series: Education/Classroom
Author: Susan E Craig | Jim Sporleder
Publication Date: 08-09-2015
ISBN: 9780807758250
Pages: 176

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