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Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Learning Communities Transforming Children's Lives, K-5

Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Learning Communities Transforming Children's Lives, K-5

$ 53.95

Growing evidence supports the important relationship between trauma and academic failure. Along with a new understanding of children's disruptive behaviour, educators are changing the way they view children's academic and social problems. This book provides K - 5 educators dozens of practical, creative ideas to create a school climate that fosters safety and resiliency in vulnerable children; establish relationships with children that support their efforts to self-regulate; design instruction that reflects the social nature of the brain; work with the brain's neuroplasticity to increase children's executive function; and Integrates research on children's neurodevelopment and educational best practices.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Susan E Craig | Jane Ellen Stevens
Publication Date: 27-11-2015
ISBN: 9780807757451
Pages: 160

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