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Yoga for Better Sleep: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

Yoga for Better Sleep: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

$ 25.95

Over 65 percent of all adults are still sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation causes and aggravates ailments like stress, heart conditions, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression. These easy-to-do, effective yoga activities--including postural sequences, breathing exercises, and meditation practices will help you have better sleep, no matter your age. This book integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga with the insights of modern neuroscience and psychology to offer practical age- and condition-specific tools and sequences for improving sleep naturally and without drugs.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Mind-body
Author: Mark Stephens | Sally Kempton
Publication Date: 13-08-2019
ISBN: 9781623173630
Pages: 376

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