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Mindfulness for Insomnia - 4 Week Program

Mindfulness for Insomnia - 4 Week Program

$ 35.95

A Four Week Guided Program to Relax Your Body, Calm Your Mind, and Get the Sleep You Need Sleep plays a crucial role in our waking lives. While we sleep, our bodies are recharging with energy, damaged tissue is repaired, and our memories are stored. When we don't get enough sleep, we are tired, less positive, less motivated, less focused, and more likely to feel depressed. We may even experience more intense cravings for high-fat, sugar-rich foods. And yet, despite the myriad advantages of getting a good night's sleep, countless people suffer from chronic insomnia. If you’re one of them, this book can help.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Mind-body
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Catherine Polan Orzech | William H Moorcroft | Jason C Ong
Publication Date: 27-06-2019
ISBN: 9781684032587
Pages: 224

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