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Think You're Crazy? Think Again

Think You're Crazy? Think Again

$ 45.95

A Resource Book for Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis provides an effective step-by-step aid to understanding your problems, making positive changes and promoting recovery. Written by experts in the field, this book will help you to understand how your problems developed and what keeps them going, use the questionnaires and monitoring sheets to identify and track changes in the links between your experiences, how you make sense of these and how you feel and behave, learn how to change thoughts, feelings and behaviour for the better, practice skills between sessions using worksheets. Based on clinically proven techniques and filled with examples of how cognitive therapy can help people with distressing psychotic experiences, this book will be a valuable resource for people with psychosis.

Category: Mental Illness
Subcategory: Families/Individuals
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Anthony P Morrison
Publication Date: 23-04-2018
ISBN: 9781583918371
Pages: 146

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