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ACT for Psychosis Recovery

ACT for Psychosis Recovery

$ 104.95

A Practical Manual for Group-Based Interventions Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy This book provides a breakthrough, evidence-based, step-by-step approach for group work with clients suffering from psychosis. As evidenced in a study by Patricia A. Bach and Steven C. Hayes, patients with psychotic symptoms who received acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in addition to treatment as usual showed half the rate of rehospitalization as those who did not. With this important guide, you’ll learn how a patient’s recovery can be both supported and sustained by promoting acceptance, mindfulness, and values-driven action.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Author: Emma K. O'donoghue, Eric M.j. Morris, Joe Oliver And Louise C. Johns
Publication Date: 01-03-2018
ISBN: 9781626256132
Pages: 304

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