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Toxic Parents Survival Guide

Toxic Parents Survival Guide

$ 21.95

Recognizing, Understanding, and Freeing Yourself from These Difficult Relationships If you or someone you love grew up with an emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, or selfish parent, you probably struggle with residual feelings of anger, abandonment, loneliness, or shame. For anyone who endured a nightmare or a wasteland instead of a nurturing childhood, The Toxic Parents Survival Guide will offer you the clinical insights and the day-to-day tools so you can break the chains of toxicity that bind you in a mess you didn't create.

Category: Personality Disorder
Subcategory: Narcissism
Series: Family of Origin/Codependency
Author: Bryn Collins
Publication Date: 09-10-2018
ISBN: 9780757321047
Pages: 264

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