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Mothers Who Can't Love

Mothers Who Can't Love

$ 24.95

A Healing Guide for Daughters Subjected to years of criticism, competition, role reversal, smothering control, emotional neglect, and other forms of abuse, women raised by mothers who can't love are plagued by anxiety, depression, relationship problems, lack of confidence, and difficulties with trust. But as Forward explains, it is possible to heal the mother wound and find help and validation. Filled with compelling case histories, this book provides effective techniques to help them overcome the pain of their childhoods, reclaim their confidence and self-respect, and break the cycle of emotional destructiveness for future generations.

Category: Personality Disorder
Subcategory: Narcissism
Series: Family of Origin/Codependency
Author: Susan Forward
Publication Date: 21-10-2014
ISBN: 9780062204363
Pages: 304

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