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Managing Unwanted Thoughts/Feelings/Actions

Managing Unwanted Thoughts/Feelings/Actions

$ 72.95

A Toolbox of Reproducible Assessments and Activities for Facilitators (Workbook) People who encounter unwanted thoughts, feelings and actions face frightening experiences. They may have a difficult time distinguishing between what is real and what is not real. They usually regret what they thought and felt, how they acted. Mental health issues contribute to unwanted thoughts, feelings and actions. When adults experience these symptoms, they are typically challenged by being and remaining in touch with reality. They have difficulty coping with the stressors and demands of their daily lives. The Managing Unwanted Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions Workbook provides assessments and self-guided activities to help participants understand the intensity of their issues, learn skills to manage more effectively, and discover how they can lead a more effective life.

Category: Mindfulness/Mind-Body
Subcategory: Mind-body
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: Ester Leutenberg / John Liptak
Publication Date: 01-05-2015
ISBN: 9781570253263
Pages: 134

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