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Building Resiliency Workbook Facilitator Guide (Reproducible)

Building Resiliency Workbook Facilitator Guide (Reproducible)

$ 72.95

Facilitator Guide This contains Reproducible Self-Assessments, Exercises & Educational Handouts Resiliency has been defined as the ability to manage life’s challenges, stresses, changes, and pressures effectively; cope and adapt successfully to adversity; bounce back to a balanced state after facing a major disruption in life or career. Resilient people are able to adapt successfully under adverse circumstances such as: poverty, mental illness, disasters, terrorism, physical or psychological trauma, divorce, job loss, prison, loss of a loved one, parent’s divorce, prolonged stress, physical or sexual abuse, or a lack of safety. Resiliency, or a positive behavioural adaptation, is critical when people encounter any type of trauma. The Workbook contains five separate sections to help participants learn more about themselves and how to build resiliency which will enable them to thrive in times of adversity, change and stress.

Category: Psychiatry/Psychology
Subcategory: Techniques/Resources
Series: Life Skills/Social Skills
Author: John Liptak
Publication Date: 01-07-2012
ISBN: 9781570252471

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