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Weird!  Grade 3 Perspective on Bullying

Weird! Grade 3 Perspective on Bullying

$ 17.95

Luisa is repeatedly teased and called "weird" by her classmate Sam, even though she is simply being herself - laughing with her friends, answering questions in class, greeting her father in Spanish, and wearing her favorite polkadot boots. Luisa initially reacts to the bullying by withdrawing and hiding her colorful nature. But with the support of her teachers, parents, classmates, and one special friend named Jayla, she is able to reclaim her color and resist Sam's put-downs. Book "1 of Erin Frankel's 3 Part Bullying Series.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7
Author: Erin Frankel
ISBN: 9781575424378

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