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Weird (Bullying Ages 5-9)<br> <b><font color='red'>(Series - Children)</font></b>

Weird (Bullying Ages 5-9)
(Series - Children)

$ 47.00

These three books tell the story of an ongoing case of bullying from three third graders’ perspectives. Kids will easily relate to Luisa, Jayla, and Sam as each girl has her own unique experience, eventually learning how to face her challenges with the help of friends, peers, and caring adults. The books may be read separately or as a set; readers will enjoy tracking small details that carry over from one book to another. Each book concludes with “activity club” pages for kids, as well as information to help parents, teachers, counselors, and other adults reinforce the books’ messages and foster dialogue with children.

Category: Education/Classroom
Subcategory: Kindergarten - Gr. 7

 Titles in the series include:

$ 17.95
Dare! Stand Up to Bullying

$ 17.95
Weird! Grade 3 Perspective on Bullying


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