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DBT Workbook for Bipolar Disorder

DBT Workbook for Bipolar Disorder

$ 34.95

Even if you've just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it's likely that you've been living with it for a long time. You've probably already developed your own ways of coping with recurring depression, the consequences of manic episodes, and the constant, uncomfortable feeling that you're at the mercy of your emotions. Some of these methods may work; others might do more harm than good. The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder will help you integrate your coping skills with a new and effective dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) plan for living well with bipolar disorder.

Category: Depression
Subcategory: Bipolar - Adult
Series: Psychiatry/Psychology
Author: Sheri Van Dijk, Msw
Publication Date: 02-07-2009
ISBN: 9781572246287
Pages: 240
Height: 10
Width: 8

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